Our recent planning appeal win has enabled the demolition of 2 existing dwellings and the erection of a new 4 storey building to provide 17 new flats and associated parking in Ewell, Surrey.
Our previous involvement in the scheme included assisting with a successful public consultation and preparation of the planning application.
We had worked positively with the case officer and as the application went to planning committee, the officer’s Committee Report recommended the scheme for approval. The Council’s Members however decided to go against the recommendation of the officer and instead chose to refuse the proposed redevelopment on the following grounds:
- overdevelopment of the site due to its height and massing;
- and the impact on the street scene.
After reviewing the reasons for refusal we felt that they were unjustified and set about preparing the case for appeal.
Responding to the Planning Committee comments:
The reason for refusal focused on the height and massing of the proposed scheme, which was considered to be ‘overdevelopment’ and ‘would appear as an incongruent element in the streetscene’. In response we demonstrated that:
- the proposed density is entirely appropriate within this location;
- when considered against the neighbouring properties, the depth and scale of the proposed scheme would be entirely appropriate within its context;
- the proposed scheme would sit harmoniously within the streetscene due to the clever architectural design and proposed tiered setbacks;
- the design would ensure that the building acts as a successful visual transition between two very different neighbouring buildings.
We also successfully rebuffed concerns over flooding, overlooking, and traffic flow by providing the necessary evidence which further justified how the proposed development met the requirements of both local and national policy.
The appeal was allowed and planning permission granted. In making his decision, the Inspector identified that the proposed scheme will improve and enhance the character of the area and is demonstrably compatible with the local character and existing townscape.
About us:
We work hard to secure planning permission for the right developments in the right location and we are very experienced at what we do. If you would like to understand more about how we work and how the planning team can best assist you then contact the team via enquiries@plainview.co.uk.