The team at Plainview Planning are providing planning consultancy support on an exciting new residential development scheme in a sustainable location in Espom, Surrey.
The scheme seeks to redevelop two empty and dilapidated residential units, into 17 high quality flats. The architects working on the scheme have utilised a contemporary style, which will reflect the local character in terms of design, massing, scale and materials used.
Public exhibition:
In early April the Plainview Team were on site for a public exhibition, giving local residents the opportunity to feedback constructive views and comments on the proposals.
The council had already been engaged in pre-application discussions, and this public consultation exercise provided a further means of ensuring that the proposed scheme satisfies both the needs of the council and the local community.
There was a strong turnout and comments from the public consultation are now being fed into the existing scheme.
The final proposal will meet a delicate balance between new high quality design whilst complementing local character.
About us:
The team at Plainview Planning is made up of a knowledgeable and innovative group of town planners and urban designers. We provide expert planning consultant support to our developer clients; from small self-build schemes to larger housing developments involving hundreds of new homes. If you would like to see how we can best assist you with your scheme, contact the team via