Do you have a large garden and aspirations to increase the value of your site? This was the case with our recent approval for a self-build project in a village near Horsham.    Our client’s existing dwelling benefitted from a large … Continued

Before we get into the detail, there is one important point we want to make. Whilst prior approval and permitted development rights can provide freedom and fast planning decisions, they can also be restrictive and complicated. However, if you can … Continued

Great to be part of the project team on this exciting scheme which will see a two-storey partially vacant building, which was formerly the premises for a bank, converted into 5x stylish apartments and 2x commercial units.  This scheme will … Continued

We regularly represent clients facing enforcement action. We appreciate that the initial contact from planning enforcement can be quite a nerve-wracking experience, and this article seeks to set out the aims of this type of planning control, some of the … Continued

We are so pleased to have assisted with this innovative pub diversification project which sought the redevelopment of an existing public house, to create a micro-pub on the ground floor and 5x 1 and 2 bed residential apartments to the … Continued

Stroud is an interesting district to work in and we have been providing planning consultancy services on residential, commercial and householder development projects in the area for over 15 years.  Undoubtedly a beautiful location, in planning terms it has unique … Continued

We were recently involved in a planning application for a single residential dwelling on garden land in the beautiful environs of Cheltenham. We were approached to assist when it seemed like the application was heading for a refusal. We acted … Continued

We are pleased to have helped secure planning approval for a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling, which will support a cattle rearing business on adjacent farmland. We provided a Rural Enterprise Dwelling Appraisal in support of the application and acted in … Continued

Our recent planning successes in Havering provide an interesting insight into Class MA in practice. The two projects were sensitive, as they sought the change of use via Class MA for 2 defunct GP surgeries.  Given that the proposals sought … Continued

Successful Class Q conversion of an agricultural barn to a 4 bed family home with spacious living areas and stunning views.  This particular project was decided under Class Q (a) of the Town Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order … Continued