
Planning permission for 4 homes outside the settlement boundary

Plainview Planning have successfully secured consent for Reserved Matters on a rural site in Horsham.

This follows our planning team’s previous success at obtaining a grant of outline planning permission for the site at appeal.

Reserved matters:

Reserved matters are those aspects of a proposed development which can be held for later determination. In our previous application and appeal, we sought to establish the principle of development for the site.  On this occasion our planning consultants were now seeking approval for access, layout, landscaping, appearance, and scale for the four residential dwellings.

The scheme:

The proposed dwellings, designed by Buchanan Partnership, are of a bold contemporary style yet use a palette of quality natural materials. They reflect the woodland setting and will benefit from the landscape plan prepared by Landscape Vision, which seeks to provide long-term protection of the views in and out of the site.

The solution:

During our engagement with the case officer however, concerns were raised over the design, landscaping and access point.  Plainview Planning and the rest of the project team worked tirelessly to overcome these concerns, presenting a scheme which responded effectively to local and national planning policy.

We are delighted that Horsham District Council have supported this ‘grand design’, adding variety to the available housing stock in the district.

Plainview Planning are an independent town and country planning consultancy. If you have a site which you think may have potential for development and would benefit from professional planning consultant input, then contact our knowledgeable team via to see how we can best assist.

Image Source: Buchanan Partnership, 2015