Plainview Planning have won an appeal for 4 self-build homes in Horsham, West Sussex.
We were forced to submit a non-determination appeal against Horsham District Council due to the length of time it took them to consider the planning application.
A written representation appeal was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate, along with an application for costs due to unreasonable behaviour.
Due to the strength of our appeal case, Horsham District Council chose not to contest the case. This was surprising given the negative pre-application advice, and negative comments from their planning and policy teams. They had previously considered the site to be unsustainable and in the open countryside, but had a very late change in opinion which generated unnecessary extra work for the applicant, the council and the Planning Inspectorate.
The inspector noted:
While the proposal would not strictly accord with policies CP 5 and DC 1, the scheme would make a modest contribution to the shortfall in housing supply and provide a site for self-build units which meet a particular housing demand. I conclude that no matters of harm have been identified which would significantly and demonstrably out these benefits.
We are delighted with the result, but it is unfortunate that it took Horsham District Council so long to change their mind.
Plainview Planning provide planning consultancy services throughout Surrey and Sussex and can assist with all types of planning application, planning appeals and Local Plan representations.