Depending on the nature of your planning application, a number of specialist reports will need to be submitted in order to meet the necessary validation requirements and to give your application the best chance of success.
Below is an overview of the types of specialist reports our planning consultants can produce:
Planning Statements – Planning statements seek to summarise the proposal and set out a case for why planning permission should be granted. It will generally review adopted and emerging local plans; national planning policy; material considerations (including economic, social and environmental factors); and case law or precedents where appropriate.
Design and Access Statements – These can be a national requirement for some applications, especially those for major development. The purpose of the DAS is to provide a framework for applicants to define how a proposed development is a suitable response to a site and its setting, and demonstrate that access will be adequate for prospective users.
Mapping and GIS – Our access to powerful mapping systems and datasets, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), enable us to present arguments in a visually engaging and informative manner and to capture and analyse various types of spatial data.
Housing Supply Statements – The NPPF seeks to maximise housing supply. We can help developers objectively review demographic and economic data to ascertain whether the council are allocating sufficient housing to ensure a five year supply, plus an appropriate buffer.
Economic Statements – Planning applications for larger or complex schemes need to be accompanied by an economic statement highlighting any regeneration benefits or strategies which lie behind the proposals, such as the number of new jobs likely to be created or perceived community benefits.
Sequential and exception tests – These tests are required to accompany flood risk assessments with the aim of steering new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding. We take a methodical approach to site reviews, ensuring there are no sequentially preferable sites to the development location.
Statement of Community Involvement – The SCI forms a key element to planning applications for development sites and encourages effective interactions between planners, developers and stakeholders to identify issues and exchange views on a continuous basis.
EIA scoping – An Environmental Impact Assessment is a procedure used for certain types of development project to evaluate any significant effects on the environment prior to decision making.- Latest News
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