Our experienced, strategic and personable planning consultants have been providing expert planning support to developer, commercial and householder clients across England for over a decade.
Preparing considered and effective planning applications is at the heart of what we do, but more than that, we support our clients through every stage of the planning process; from understanding your project aspirations, identifying the most effective planning approach to take, engaging in public consultation and pre-application discussions if required, meticulous and considered preparation and submission of planning applications, through to the necessary engagement and negotiation with case officers and relevant stakeholders.
Fundamentally it comes down to what you are seeking to do in planning terms, but how best to go about achieving your development aims is where the planning strategy comes in. That is why every project we undertake commences with an initial development appraisal. Within a few hours of research, we are in a position to usefully advise you on what type of application may be most beneficial to your development project, taking into consideration site context and planning history, local and national policies, relevant legislation, case law, precedents and more.
For example, you want to build a single dwelling on a plot of land, the key first questions are - is there development potential on site and if so, then which application route might suit your aspirations and the site best. For example; is pre-application a good first port of call, is it more strategic to go for an outline or full planning application, or will a Permission in Principle (PiP) work best for your project. Our role is to help you navigate your options effectively and to implement an informed planning strategy to give your project the best chance of success.
We are experienced in Change of Use, Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD and CLOPUD), Prior Approval, retrospective applications, outline planning, full planning, PiP and more. Whilst the different types of planning applications vary considerably, the fundamental process of preparing a quality planning application remains the same. The key steps are outlined below:
FACT FINDING: Understanding your project goals and time-frame is crucial. We explore the site context, designations, relevant policies at local and national level, we use our bespoke mapping and data analysis to fully understand the opportunities and constraints of your site and weigh this up against your development aspirations.
STRATEGY SETTING: No project, site or client is the same. We tailor an appropriate strategy for you - your project, your site.
BUILDING A TEAM: We have built up strong links across the industry with architects, ecologists, landscape designers, arboriculturists, heritage consultants etc. We can help you pull together a cohesive team, or work effectively with your preferred consultants. We are experienced in co-ordinating all the necessary supporting material to enable a timely submission.
COMMUNICATION: Communication is a key part of our role, be it at public consultation, pre-application meetings, writing persuasive arguments and presenting strong visuals through the application process, engaging with the case officer or at planning committee. We will discuss the requirements, options and strategy with you to ensure adherence to the project aims.
APPLICATION: We prepare meticulous, considered and dynamic submissions and are always looking ahead. Working effectively with the project team, we will work tirelessly to present a strong case for your project goals.
SUBMISSION & NEGOTIATION: Now the fun begins. We keep a close eye on the application and endeavour to have regular contact with the planning officer. We find some councils are more communicative than others. For applications that are over-running there are a range of strategies that we can discuss with you.
DECISION TIME: If the planning application is approved, we can advise you on commencement and condition issues. If it is refused, then we advise on amendments and/or a planning appeal if necessary.
We work across the following sectors:
- Residential – from single dwellings and self-build through to large scale strategic housing;
- Commercial – from changes of use, to office and industrial units, town centre and retail, commercial and leisure;
- Specialist – from education facilities, student housing to care homes and retirement living;
- Householder – from annexes, HMOs and small residential redevelopments.
Fundamentally your success is our success and we look forward to helping you.
- Latest News
- Maximising your land value – outline planning approved for a self-build dwelling, Horsham
- Successful conversion of Grade II listed former bank into 5x new apartments and 2x commercial units, Uttlesford
- Planning success for pub diversification project – bringing 5x new homes and a micro-pub to Thurrock
- Planning secured for a stylish new dwelling on garden land in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
- Collaborative approach secures planning approval for rural worker’s dwelling in Wiltshire