
Technical details consent secured, bringing 2 new homes to the London Borough of Bexley

What a great outcome for this PiP project, which represents efficient use of a brownfield site and will redevelop a run down and underused set of garages into 2 x 4 bed homes. Inspired design by Urban and Rural made effective use of the challenging topography of the site, creating 2 partially subterranean homes and dramatically improving the immediate street scene. 

Permission in Principle stage 1 – securing the principle of development 

Our initial involvement in the project began back in 2020 when we were asked to undertake a development appraisal on the site.  Given the complexities of the topography and its unique location, we suggested our client pursue a permission in principle consent route.  We secured approval for the first stage of this process, where scope is limited to location, land use and quantum of development and you can read more about this.  This meant we were confident that the principle of development on site was sound, now we needed to flesh out the particulars.  

Navigating overlooking, amenity space, parking and biodiversity

Working closely with our client and the team at Urban and Rural, an innovative design was proposed that sought to work with the sloping topography of the site, creating 2x subterranean dwellings with associated amenity space.  This also helped mitigate any issues in regards to overlooking, and we successfully evidenced how the proposed density was appropriate for the site.  

Other key planning issues included parking and biodiversity. As the proposals sought to demolish a number of redundant garages, there was the misconception that this would result in the loss of parking in the area and therefore an increased stress on parking provision locally.  However the garages had not been in use for a number of years and the proposals themselves would provide ample off road parking for the new homes.  We commissioned a parking report to further evidence how the proposals represented no negative impact to parking in the area. And furthermore, we were bolstered by an appeal win we had secured for a similar project nearby, which further supported the particulars of this project in regards to parking. 

In terms of biodiversity and appropriate mitigation measures, the proposed use of soft landscaping throughout the scheme, including the use of sedum roofs, would not only soften the current visual hardness of the site but also seek to support local biodiversity. 

We are delighted with the outcome of this application and thank the project team for all their efforts in creating such an innovative scheme which will see the positive redevelopment of a challenging site.  Furthermore, the project is sustainable, responds to local housing need, makes efficient use of a brownfield site and will improve the street scene in the immediate area. Special thanks to Motion for their excellent Parking Technical note and toto Urban and Rural for their solutions orientated approach and excellent design.

About us

We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants.  If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.

IMAGE SOURCE: Urban and Rural (2021)