We have secured planning approval for 5 houses with associated parking, at planning committee. We are delighted with the decision, not least because the scheme has been subject to significant scrutiny, yet our successful engagement during the planning process saw the scheme receive support from all statutory and internal consultees.
Site overview:
The site comprised a vacant plot to the rear of several terraced houses and had been subject to a number of planning applications, including a previous refusal to develop the site for housing.
The scheme:
We were brought in, following the application submission, to assist and lead negotiations with the council as the application had stalled.
The proposed scheme sought to make efficient use of brownfield land through the redevelopment of the application site, to create 5 x 2-bed houses with associated parking. The site was demonstrably sustainable; situated within an urban area, with good public transport accessibility and in close proximity to Dartford town centre.
Making the case for development:
We engaged proactively with the case officer during the application process, which led to some revisions to the scheme to respond to the concerns raised. Importantly, we were able to demonstrate that the proposed development could be accommodated at this site and that it was fully in accordance with national and local planning policy, and notably that:
- The council could not demonstrate up to date housing need evidence. Therefore the proposed development would provide an important contribution to the local housing need and make an efficient use of brownfield land;
- The application for 5 x new houses was within a demonstrably sustainable location, and the design clearly took account of local characteristics, providing an appropriate design which would respect the neighbouring amenity;
- The proposal would meet all internal, amenity and parking standards in adopted local planning documents.
We were delighted that further to our extensive engagement and negotiation with the case officer, the scheme was recommended for approval and subsequently approved at planning committee.
The development makes efficient use of a brownfield site, bringing back to life an area of scrubland, and will help add to the housing mix and respond to housing need in the area.
About us:
Plainview Planning is a group of proactive, enthusiastic and knowledgeable planning consultants. To see how we can add value to your planning application, contact us via enquiries@plainview.co.uk.
IMAGE SOURCE: Invent Architecture 2016