We often help our clients to realise the full development potential of their site and this project provides a good example of how we, as planning consultants, add value to such projects. Through a strategic approach, careful analysis and research, we have enabled our client to secure planning for a larger residential scheme on a backland plot, which will see the regeneration of a dilapidated and unused site into a spacious townhouse apartments with generous residential amenity space.
Realising the development potential of your site
There was a historic permission on site for a small residential scheme, but previous attempts to secure planning for a larger development had been refused at appeal.
We reviewed the scheme, and the refusals which presented us with pertinent parameters in which to prepare a suitable planning strategy.
Design and density were an issue, although the principle of residential development on site was sound. Reading between the lines of the appeal decision, we also identified that the concept of a car free development might be agreeable in principle in this location.
Engaging with the project team we explored the potential for such a development, replacing the proposed garages with front garden amenity space and extra living accommodation, respondeding to concerns over design and density.
The outcome was a high-quality proposal that would enable full use of the site, maximise the land value for our client and also respond to an identified need for this type of residential development, providing generous 2x bed apartments for future occupiers.
How our planning team added value
Our initial research provided the planning strategy. To support these proposals, we used our planning statement to show:
- how the scheme was policy compliant at both local and national level;
- we evidenced a need for this type of housing in the area;
- we researched and presented a robust evidence base to support carless development;
- we showed how the project represented effective use of a brownfield site to the benefit of the surrounding area;
- we provided policy-based arguments to show how the scheme represented an innovative infill development on brownfield land, and how it was demonstrably sustainable.
Following positive engagement with the case officer during the determination period, we were so pleased to secure the planning approval for our client. The outcome is an attractive redevelopment of a redundant garage site on brownfield land, which responds to an identified need for this type of housing in the area and will provide high-quality and spacious 2x bed apartments.
About Plainview Planning
Plainview Planning’s team of expert planners have been helping clients with residential, commercial and householder development projects for over 11 years. If you feel your project would benefit from experienced planning consultant input, contact our team via enquiries@plainview.co.uk or call us on 01242 501003 to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. You can also submit your site via our Landmark Page. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.
IMAGE SOURCE: Urban and Rural Ltd (2019)