We are so pleased to have assisted with this innovative pub diversification project which sought the redevelopment of an existing public house, to create a micro-pub on the ground floor and 5x 1 and 2 bed residential apartments to the rear and above. The project also included the demolition of several historic and unsightly extensions to the original public house, their replacement with new and improved extensions and the associated parking and landscaping required to facilitate this mixed-use development.
Converting a pub to residential use
Pub to residential change of use is notoriously difficult and this case was no exception, however, a combination of our strategic planning approach, extensive discourse with the LPA and patience, we are delighted that the outcome has been positive for our client.
As with any pub redevelopment project, a key issue from the outset was the potential loss of a community facility. As part of navigating this policy issue, we had to quantify the value of that facility, the proximity of alternative facilities and the viability of the replacement. Further key planning considerations also related to:
- The provision of housing;
- The demolitions and alterations to a non-designated heritage asset;
- Design and amenity issues;
- Access and parking;
- and Flooding.
Changing the use of a community facility – close analysis of planning policy is crucial
Although the pub has been shut for 7 years, local policy meant that the loss of the pub would only be allowed if appropriate facilities of equal or better quality were provided as part of the development.
Our analysis of the wording of the policy, coupled with relevant appeal decisions, identified that in this case, the policy would not require an equal size of facility. As such, the proposed creation of a micro-pub on site ensured that there was no loss of facility and certainly the improvements to the site more generally would mean that the proposals presented a better-quality offering than that which was currently in situ.
Furthermore, a review of pubs in the local area identified at least 2 which were within easy walking distance of the development site. And in regard to the value that the wider community placed on the site – no objections to the loss of the facility were logged and no moves were made to list the pub as an asset of community value. A final consideration also related to the viability assessment submitted by the applicant which successfully evidenced that the pub is no longer viable as a stand-alone public house and that the reduced trading floor area would be suitable for a niche alcohol outlet or community centre.
As for the provision of new housing, this was a material consideration in favour of the application given that Thurrock’s current 5-year housing land supply position is less than 1 year. Also for consideration was the status of the emerging plan which is unlikely to be issued under Regulation 22 for an Examination in Public before 2026. The result is that the ‘tilted balance’ in the NPPF could therefore be applied, meaning that unless an identified harm is found, then the application should be approved.
A strong project team is crucial to giving your planning application the best chance of success
As for issues relating to the building and site itself, in terms of its standing as a non- designated heritage asset, it was agreed that the removal of the historic extensions was of benefit to the original building. Given the sensitive nature of the site and the need for several new extensions to the building to facilitate the proposals, we liaised extensively with the local council and the wider project team to ensure that the final iteration of the design met the requirements of policy, the heritage officer and were suitably sensitive to the surrounding context.
Furthermore, the site’s location in Flood Zone 3 was carefully mitigated via condition, with an appropriate evacuation plan in place prepared by a technical consultant.
This application was supported by a range of technical reports such as; a Flood Risk assessment, Noise Report, Viability, Highways Report & Heritage Report. Our role in pulling an effective project team together is extensive – from helping our clients to identify which additional reports will be required to validate and support their application, source the necessary fee quotes, pull a suitable project team together to provide these types of report, through to reviewing these reports prior to submission.
Pub changes of use – mixed-use proposals can provide a pathway to success
We are so pleased that we successfully navigated this project to a positive conclusion given its multiple benefits. Not only is it providing much needed new housing, it is making the best use of previously developed land and bringing a community use back into operation. The alternative would have been to see a vacant building suffer further deterioration. We are thrilled that this unique building has the opportunity for a sustainable re-use.
Planning for pubs – how we can help
We have worked on a variety of public house change of use applications across England – and there are a variety of differently worded policies that seek to protect them. If you are considering a change of use of a public house and would like us to review the specific policy relevant to your site, then please get in touch.
We have extensive experience of working with landlords and pub chains to support their aspirations regarding their land and public house portfolios. Mixed-use proposals can provide a pathway to success, retaining a community facility whilst offering up opportunities for further housing on previously developed land, often in well established, sought after and sustainable locations.
About us
We are Plainview Planning, now part of McLoughlin Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants. If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via enquiries@plainview.co.uk, or call us on 01242 501003, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. We look forward to helping you.
We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry
Project team:
- Abode First (Architects)
- UK Flood Risk (FRA)
- Clover Acoustics (Noise report)
- Heritage Unlimited (Heritage report)
- DustScan AQ (Air Quality)
- Plumb Associates (Landscape and Ecology)
- Dabro & Associates (Viability)