
Planning approved for architect designed 3x bed dwelling in Stroud

We were delighted to be part of the team which secured planning permission for a stunning single storey house in Stroud.

The scheme & site:

The scheme sought to demolish a large ancillary storage outbuilding and associated structures and erect a 3x bedroom dwelling house designed by the architects at Millar Howard Workshop.

It was a complex site, situated on the edge of the settlement boundary and located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

We were called on board to manage negotiations with the Council, lead a second round of pre-application discussions and prepare a planning statement for a revised application following a refusal for the scheme from Stroud District Council.

Analysis of the decision notice:

Our Associate Planner Adam reviewed the pre-application response, original application and decision notice. We found inconsistencies in the Council’s approach to the delivery of housing on edge of settlement boundary locations, and argued for a pragmatic approach to new policies within the recently adopted Local Plan.

We further argued that the original application refusal was on grounds of transition and prominence which could be overcome, and that the location was ultimately “sustainable”.

Making the most of pre-application:

Adam arranged for a second pre-app meeting to negotiate a design which would meet policy requirements but would achieve the most development for our client. This meeting proved extremely useful, as we were able to negotiate our client’s position on the points of unclear policy requirements where a development lies outside a settlement boundary.

On the basis of this useful engagement, Adam advised the project team on a strategy for a revised submission and prepared a robust planning statement which included:

  • Architectural design advice;
  • Compelling case law relating to local policies and development outside Third Tier settlements;
  • An analysis of the lack of policy guidance on development which may affect development on edge of settlement locations;
  • Analysis of the design amendments and how these positively responded to the decision notice and pre-application feedback;
  • Provided advice on the instruction of a Landscape and Visual Appraisal to respond to the site’s location, to help justify the acceptability of development within the AONB.

The application successfully justified how the proposed dwelling would unequivocally accord with local and national policy, and where there was potential for policy conflict, how material considerations overcame these.

We are delighted by the approval from Stroud District Council and their positive engagement during this process which has resulted in planning permission for a superbly designed dwelling which complements and enhances its surroundings.

About us:

The team at Plainview Planning provide professional planning consultant support on a wide range of schemes throughout the residential, commercial and homeowner sectors.  We have a strong track record in assisting individuals and developers in achieving planning permissions for sites outside settlement boundaries.  If your development project requires planning support, contact the team via to see how we can best assist.

IMAGE SOURCE: Millar Howard Workshop 2016