Plainview Planning are delighted with our recent appeal win, which has allowed outline planning permission for four residential dwellings outside the defined built up area boundary in Pulborough, West Sussex.
The scheme:
We provided full planning consultancy support on the scheme from its inception, supplying our clients with an initial site analysis, strategies for moving forward and full support with the planning application process.
The sustainable credentials of the site in terms of location and visual containment were demonstrable and evident. We felt this was a scheme which could go some way to boosting much needed quality housing stock in the local area. It was therefore surprising when the council then saw fit to refuse the scheme on policy based principles alone. We reviewed the grounds for refusal and felt that they could not be substantiated given other clear material considerations. We set about presenting a robust case for appeal.
The appeal:
The circumstances surrounding the appeal were challenging due to the imminent adoption of the Horsham District Council Planning Framework (HDPF). However our team successfully argued that the current adopted local plan was largely out of date; the emerging local plan had received criticism, couldn’t demonstrate a five year land housing supply and should be afforded limited weight at this time; and that Paragraph 14 of the NPPF should hold primacy in decision making in this case.
The Inspector noted the evidenced sustainable credentials of the site, and our planning policy position arguments. He agreed with us that the proposal met the requirements of Paragraph 55 of the NPPF, which promotes sustainable development in rural areas and was satisfied that the proposal would help maintain the vitality of the village settlement.
Further to this, concerns had been raised about the site’s proximity to a number of Grade II Listed buildings. As part of the application process we worked in collaboration with The Environmental Dimension Partnership Ltd (EDP), producing a substantial body of work. The Inspector was satisfied that the proposal would not have an unacceptable effect on the character and appearance of the area and would preserve the settings of the listed buildings in the locality.
The appeal was allowed and partial costs were also awarded to our client.
Plainview Planning is an independent town and country planning consultancy. If you feel your planning application would benefit from professional planning consultant input then contact our approachable and knowledgeable team at