
Planning appeal win for ancillary accommodation in Essex

annexeappealwinOur recent planning appeal win for the demolition of an existing outbuilding and the erection of an ancillary annexe in Burnham-on-Crouch, is a prime example of one of the key challenges we face in making the case for ancillary annexe accommodation.

In our original planning application we had clearly presented the proposed annexe as an ancillary unit of accommodation and subservient to the main dwelling.

However, the Local Planning Authority assessed the proposal as an independent dwelling, and refused permission on these grounds. We took the case to appeal.

Making the case for ancillary accommodation:

Our original application clearly stipulated that the proposal was for an ancillary annexe and the evidence we provided reinforced this fact.  As part of our evidence base we identified that the annexe would have no separate access, address, curtilage etc.

The site was situated within a large garden, which benefitted from a side entrance along the boundary of the property. In order to assuage concerns over the potential impact of a separate access point, we had proposed a condition which would prevent the annexe from being used as anything other than ancillary accommodation to the host dwelling and would thus secure its long term future use.

We also stressed the need for the annexe to ensure the care of an elderly relative, which accords with the thrust of national planning policy and current government initiatives to improve social welfare and care for the older generation.

The Planning Inspector reviewed the application and assessed whether the proposed building would be an annexe or an independent dwelling and if it was felt to be the latter, whether it be suitable for such occupation.  It was felt that the evidence presented showed the unit would not be used as a separate dwelling and it was agreed that the proposed annexe could be controlled by condition.  The appeal was allowed and planning permission granted.

About us:

The team at Plainview Planning work on a retainer basis for a number of national annexe accommodation providers. We are well versed in the challenges such applications can present. Contact our knowledgeable planners via to see how we can best assist.