
NPPF on Tuesday

George Osbourne’s comments on the planning system in the Budget speach:

You can’t earn your future if you can’t get planning permission.

Global businesses have diverted specific investments that would have created hundreds of jobs in some of the most deprived communities in Britain to countries like Germany and the Netherlands, because they couldn’t get planning permission here.

That is unacceptable.

Next week my RHFs the Communities Secretary and the Planning Minister will publish the results of our overhaul of planning regulation.

We’re replacing 1000 pages of guidance with just 50 pages.

We’re introducing a presumption in favour of sustainable development;

While protecting our most precious environments.

The new policy comes into effect when the National Planning Policy Framework is published next Tuesday.

This is the biggest reduction in business red tape ever undertaken.

Interesting times ahead. Feel free to contact us to discuss the NPPF and its impact on your planning application