Our compilation of a robust evidence base under restrictive time constraints has secured the future of 4 residential flats in London.
Following a visit by a planning officer and the receipt of a letter advising that they were in breach of planning, we were contacted by a landlord to help regularise the planning position on site.
Our client had to provide evidence within 28 days to prove that the four flats had been continuously occupied for at least four years. Failure to do so would result in a formal breach of planning control and leave them vulnerable to enforcement action.
Preparing a Certificate of Lawful Use application:
We got on the case immediately and worked with our client to ensure that they compiled a robust evidence base for a Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use.
In such applications the onus is on the appellant to provide satisfactory evidence that the site location, as depicted on the plans, has been divided and permanently occupied as four separate residential flats for over 4 years.
In order to avoid any delays in decision making, we made sure that the information submitted to the Council met the statutory requirements and that a comprehensive and robust level of evidence had been prepared to support the application.
We also prepared a detailed table of evidence to accompany the application and cited relevant case law which established the approach to be adopted by the Council in deciding an application for a certificate of lawfulness.
We are delighted that due to our proactive negotiation and engagement with both the Council and client, the Certificate was granted, the flats are retained and enforcement action has been avoided.
About us:
Our team of planning consultants are an approachable, knowledgeable and results driven group and we work hard to add value to our clients applications and appeals. If your development project needs professional planning consultant input then contact the team today to see how we can best assist: enquiries@plainview.co.uk