Successful Class Q conversion of an agricultural barn to a 4 bed family home with spacious living areas and stunning views. This particular project was decided under Class Q (a) of the Town Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. It is worth noting that revised legislation came out on 21st May and you can read more about this here.
This was an interesting project given the sensitive nature of the site – our clear communication and effective negotiation played a crucial part in getting this one over the line.
Barn conversion outside the settlement boundary
The single storey agricultural barn had been erected over 10 years ago and sat outside the settlement boundary and on agricultural pasture. Design was a key factor, with the proposals seeking to add a number of windows but overall the external appearance would remain in keeping with the local area which comprised a mixture of farmsteads and residential housing.
Given these factors, Prior Approval was sought in all areas, including:
- Transport and highways;
- Noise impacts;
- Contamination risks on site;
- Flooding risks on site;
- Whether the siting and location of the building makes it impractical or undesirable to change the use to residential;
- The design and external appearance of the building.
We pulled together a strong project team to provide supporting reports. These included: Drawings by Architecture Workshop, a Structural Survey by David Smith Associates and a letter of consent from the agricultural tenant. A bat survey and visibility splays were also provided. All this, combined with our detailed planning statement, made for a very robust planning submission which sought to respond to the planning issues on site.
Navigating stakeholder objections during the planning determination period
Given the sensitivities on site, a number of objections were received during the project consultation period. Concerns raised included:
- residential development outside of the settlement boundary;
- were the proposals contrary to local policy;
- loss of agricultural land;
- highway safety;
- loss of views of open countryside; and
- concerns over potential flooding.
This provided an excellent opportunity to further explore and justify the policy compliance of the proposals on site. Our proactive engagement with the case officer and key stakeholders resulted in any concerns raised being successfully mitigated. Our planning statement and the associated reports which formed the application pack also aided decision makers in evidencing how and why the proposals met the requirements of the GPDO, NPPF and PPG.
Although no objection was received by Environmental Protection in regards to noise, wider concerns were raised and we successfully discussed these points with the case officer and secured management of the issue via planning condition.
Furthermore, issues relating to ecology were assuaged via the necessary ecological reports and a sensitive lighting strategy was agreed to protect any light sensitive species. A planting schedule was also agreed to meet the requirements of BNG.
Through effective communication with the case officer and relevant parties, concerns were mitigated, resolved, or agreed to be dealt with via condition, meaning that prior approval was granted and the associated change of use of agricultural land achieved. The outcome will be the revitalisation of a dilapidated structure, creating a beautiful, bright and airy 4 bed dwelling with open plan living space and spectacular views.
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We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants. If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.
Image source: Architecture Workshop (2023)