Back in 2013 Plainview Planning secured consent for the conversion of The Barbourne Inn in Worcester to 4 flats and 1 house. This week we have managed to secure planning permission from Worcester City Council to increase the number of units on site to 7 flats and 1 house.
Following advice from estate agents, the originally permitted flats were considered to be too large for the intended market. This prompted our client to explore an option to provide additional units within the existing building envelope.
However during our engagement with the case officer, concerns had been raised over intensity of use and onstreet parking. We therefore put forward robust arguments to support the proposal and assuage any concerns.
Housing supply and Local Plan position
Although Worcester City Council claimed an 8.1 year housing supply, this was before the South Worcestershire Development Plan was derailed. Therefore, at the point of decision we put forward arguments to suggest that the Council did not benefit from a 5 year land supply, and therefore the presumption in favour of sustainable development should apply.
Local precedents
Other pubs in the immediate area had been converted to residential at a similar density to that proposed. We cited relevant case law which highlighted the importance of consistency in decision making and that ‘like cases should be decided in a like manner.‘
We were delighted that following our positive engagement with the case officer, planning permission was granted for the 7 flats.
Should you be looking to convert your pub to residential please feel free to contact us to see how we can best assist via