Do you have a large garden and aspirations to increase the value of your site? This was the case with our recent approval for a self-build project in a village near Horsham.    Our client’s existing dwelling benefitted from a large … Continued

We are pleased to have helped secure planning approval for a temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling, which will support a cattle rearing business on adjacent farmland. We provided a Rural Enterprise Dwelling Appraisal in support of the application and acted in … Continued

Successful Class Q conversion of an agricultural barn to a 4 bed family home with spacious living areas and stunning views.  This particular project was decided under Class Q (a) of the Town Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order … Continued

We successfully turned a planning refusal into an approval – securing permission for the subdivision of a large garden plot and the creation of a 2x bed detached dwelling, with associated parking.   On the face of it, the project presented … Continued

Get ready folks, it is another date for your planning diary. This time, if your interest is in Class Q, Class R, barn conversions, agricultural development or farm diversification then the 21st May 2024 is a date you need highlighted, … Continued

This project sought full planning permission for the conversion of 1x agricultural building into a 2x bed dwelling with associated works, including the erection of boundary fencing, various biodiversity improvements, a cycle store and EV charging point. It was an … Continued

architects cgi of a eco development

We have recently secured planning approval for an outstanding and innovative sustainable development, which seeks to raise standards both nationally and locally.  The scheme sought the sensitive restoration of a 16th Century farmhouse and the provision of two Earth Sheltered … Continued

Image of village settlement boundary

The Plainview team have secured planning permission at appeal for a subterranean dwelling in the Green Belt.  It was a challenging case, not least given the restrictive nature of the Green Belt designation. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy … Continued

stunning new dwelling in cotswolds aonb with turf and wildflower roof and planting

A fantastic start to 2023 with a planning approval for this truly inspiring architect designed house.  Our client was seeking to create a new family dwelling on their estate, but given the greenfield nature of the site and its location … Continued

Viewshed analysis of site

This community focussed scheme will not only bring 9x family homes to Dover, but also open up a privately owned stretch of grassland to public use, providing a fully equipped play area and landscaped green space to the benefit of … Continued