
Appeal win for annexe, despite local plan policy against it

ElmbridgeWe have successfully won an appeal for an annexe providing ancillary residential accommodation to a property in Elmbridge, despite there being a very clear adopted local plan policy against such development.

The annexe was needed to provide ongoing care for our client’s elderly relative, whilst enabling them to have a level of independent living.

The local council found no fault with the principle of the annexe, nor did they identify any negative impact from the proposed scheme on local character and amenity.

Their key concern was that the proposed annexe, which would be separate to the main dwelling, was contrary to saved policy HSG15 of the adopted Replacement Elmbridge Borough Local Plan 2000 (LP).  The policy is explicit in stating that freestanding ancillary accommodation will not be permitted in order to safeguard against the possibility of the annexe being used as a separate dwelling, now and in the future.

We compiled a robust appeal statement which presented enough material considerations to justify a departure from adopted planning policy.  We highlighted the sustainable credentials of the proposed development and identified that in this particular case, conditions could be applied to restrict the use of the annexe for solely ancillary accommodation.  This use of conditions to overcome otherwise unacceptable development accords with the NPPF and in so doing, would satisfy the concerns of the council.

The appeal was allowed and planning permission granted.

Plainview Planning is an independent town and country planning consultancy.  If you need assistance with your appeal or your granny annexe application then contact one of our knowledgeable and approachable planning consultants on