Plainview Planning has won another appeal for ancillary living accommodation in Ealing, London. The appeal was for retrospective works to an outbuilding to facility family accommodation (akin to a granny annexe).
Due to delays caused by the London Borough of Ealing we eventually submitted a non-determination appeal.
The Council’s case was: (1) the creation of a new planning unit and its effect on the character and appearance of the area, and (2) the effect on the living conditions of its future occupiers.
The Inspectorate dismissed both arguments and sided with the appellant. He noted:
“…the development does not have its own curtilage area and is physically linked to the main dwelling. It therefore can not be considered to be self-contained. I am also mindful of the relatively small scale of the development, and that the appellant has stated in his evidence and his description of the development that the building is to be occupied by family members. Therefore, despite the degree of independent living, I consider the accommodation would form what is recognised in Circular 11/95, as a ‘granny’annex”.
This is just one example of many where we have won an appeal for ancillary accommodation. It is frustrating the Local Planning Authorities still choose to refuse perfectly acceptable and sustainable units of family accommodation.
If you are faced with planning issues relating to ancillary accommodation or granny annexes please do not hesitate to contact us –