This community focussed scheme will not only bring 9x family homes to Dover, but also open up a privately owned stretch of grassland to public use, providing a fully equipped play area and landscaped green space to the benefit of all.
The importance of policy analysis
This project provides a prime example of the importance of evidence based policy interpretation.
The site was designated Protected Open Space, and as such local policy sought to refuse any development proposals on the land. Undoubtedly, the site created a buffer between the built up urban area and the countryside. However, it was also in private ownership, with no public access points or footpaths and comprised a green space with a few sporadic bits of vegetation. The proposals for opening the site up to development had been carefully considered and took on board the important role the land played in terms of providing a gentle transitioning buffer between urban and countryside landscapes. As a result, only 9 dwellings were proposed, to ensure that a large swathe of the land could have a dual function – not only would it be opened up to public use, benefiting from a managed landscaping plan and a children’s play area, but would also retain that important transitioning role to the countryside.
However, the application was refused, primarily on the grounds of its Protected Open Space designation. It is worth mentioning that the policy does provide a list of exceptions, one of which permits development on open space if the provision of a replacement area with at least the same qualities can be made available. In this case, by opening the land up for public access, providing landscaping and a children’s play area, the proposals were providing far more than keeping the status quo.
Appeal success for 9 dwelling scheme
Although of course subject to interpretation, we felt our response to the restrictive policy had more than mitigated its requirements. As such, we felt an appeal would be a suitable course of action for our client and we prepared a robust appeal pack, which included:
- Landscape and character analysis;
- Viewshed analysis to assess visual impact;
- Mapping to show nearby open space locations;
- Interrogation of the Council’s evidence base;
- Housing need analysis;
- Detailed analysis of policy and context.
The Inspector concluded that the proposals not only responded to an identified need for housing across the district, but would deliver better qualitative open space provision outweighing the quantitative loss of protected open space.
We are looking forward to progressing with reserved matters and bringing this positive development forwards.
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We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants. If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. You can also submit your site via our Landmark Page. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.