Plainview Planning has won an appeal against Eastbourne Borough Council for 3 new houses at a garage site. Furthermore, the Planning Inspectorate considered that Eastbourne Borough Council had acted unreasonably in refusing the outline planning application and therefore awarded full costs in favour of the appellant.
The Planning Inspector agreed that the character of the proposed development followed the most predominant historical form. He also commented on the issue of overlooking – something that many neighbouring residents had objected on:
Whilst the reduction in outlook would be significant it would notbe unusual in this densely developed part of Eastbourne and the separation distance between the buildings would be sufficient to prevent an overbearing appearance and any serious loss of light.
We are pleased that the Planning Inspectorate endorsed our proposal, research and assessment of local and national planning policy. We took full control over the entire project including:
- Preparation of the supporting Planning Statement and Design & Access Statement;
- Indicative site plans and masterplan;
- 3D analysis of proposal and assessment of sunlight/daylight and overlooking;
- Historical assessment of settlement pattern and separation distances.
If you have a site that you are interested in developing, do feel free to contact us for advice –