Plainview Planning have recently submitted a planning application to the London Borough of Newham which seeks to demolish an existing ancillary warehouse and construct 6 new residential flats with outdoor space.
The site:
The site houses a single storey warehouse used as a distribution hub for a local company. However, the associated warehouse proved too small for the requirements of the expanding business. Our client wished to redevelop the site whilst relocating their distribution operations to a more suitable, local, purpose built unit.
Exploring development options:
We were approached to provide full planning support and guidance. As a first step we undertook a detailed feasibility study, which is an invaluable tool in evaluating risk and ensured our client was fully informed of the potential opportunities and risks to their prospective application.
As part of the feasibility study, we assessed local and national planning policy, the planning history of the site, any site constraints and presented strategies for moving development forward.
Our client was then in a position to make an informed decision about how to proceed, instructing the award winning architects Buchanan Partnership to come up with a design for the site, assisted by our detailed planning analysis.
Plainview Planning and Buchanan Partnership worked closely with Newham Council, engaging in pre-application discussions which further fed into the design of the scheme.
The result is a design which is innovative, sustainable both in location and in materials used, is sympathetic to the surrounding area, yet benefits local context by providing high quality urban design.
The proposed scheme will provide a mix of units, including family housing, and presents an effective use of brownfield land which is encouraged by both local and national planning policy. Due to its considered design, it will have limited impact on neighbouring amenity whilst serving to enhance the local residential context.
We look forward to working closely and proactively with the local council and community on this planning application whilst it is being decided.
Contact us:
Plainview Planning is an independent town and country planning consultancy who work nationwide and have offices in Gloucestershire, West Sussex, Essex and London. If you have a site you think may have development potential and would benefit from professional planning consultant input then contact us at
Image Source: Buchanan Partnership, 2015