Plainview Planning have submitted an outline planning application to Suffolk Coastal District Council for 13 x market and affordable, single-storey, bungalow dwellings on land just outside the settlement boundary, in the village of Ufford.
This follows a previous application that we submitted for 7 x single storey dwellings at the same site which was allowed on appeal in 2016.
Given the characteristics of the site, a marginal increase in size has allowed for greater development capacity and the potential for an area of public greenspace, as part of the revised scheme.
The site – key facts:
- The site is a good sized, greenfield plot;
- It is located at the northern edge of the built-up area of Ufford, just outside the settlement boundary;
- Its immediate context includes a strong residential character benefitting from a variety of building styles in spacious plots;
- The application site is well connected to its host village and the surrounding settlements and is close to public transport facilities;
- It is possible to develop the site without impacting upon the views from the wider area.
The intention is to arrange the 9 x market dwellings as self-build plots, with the remaining units being affordable housing. The proposed use of self-build responds to a current lack of local policy or initiatives to help enable the delivery of this type of housing.
The proposed scheme would make an important contribution to the local housing supply, as demonstrated during the recent appeal.
We look forward to continuing to work positively with Suffolk Coastal District Council on this exciting scheme.
About us:
Plainview Planning is an independent town and country planning consultancy. Our team provide expert planning consultancy support on new build schemes. From single self-build dwellings to housing developments, we bring a keen eye and fresh perspective to housing and development. Contact the team via to see how we can best assist.