
Stylish new self-build dwelling in Barnet

A real pleasure to be part of the team working with Of Architecture on a sensitively designed project for a new family dwelling in Barnet.

The original two storey detached dwelling was situated in an extensive garden and benefitted from a large, single storey side extension. The proposals sought to demolish the side extension and replace it with a 3 bed self-build dwelling, thus creating a pair of semi-detached properties with generous private amenity space. The new dwelling would also benefit from off road parking.

Analysing your pre-app response

A detailed pre-app had been sought prior to our involvement with the project. We provided an initial planning policy review of the proposals, along with analysis of the pre-application response, giving guidance on which elements of it were critical and would require amends to the project, and which would simply require more detailed justification.

Weighing up the planning balance

With a project such as this the main planning issues included; the principle of development; any impact on the character of the area; impact on the amenity of future occupiers and neighbouring occupiers; biodiversity; highways; accessibility and sustainability.

As part of our Planning and Sustainability Statement to support the application, we successfully evidenced:

  • how the proposals represented an efficient development on brownfield land;
  • the benefits of incremental densification, optimising site capacity through a design-led approach;
  • demonstrable need for this type of housing in the area;
  • that the site was big enough to accommodate a new dwelling whilst maintaining the prevailing density of the immediate surrounds and would integrate with local patterns of development;
  • A detailed review of precedents in the area to ensure continuity in decision making;
  • that although the Council could demonstrate a robust housing land supply, targets are only a minimum figure and there remains a need for pragmatism to help boost the supply of homes in accordance with national policy, especially in sustainable urban areas;
  • how the proposed design showed a clear cohesion with context and a direct response to local policies and design SPDs.

We are absolutely delighted that the application has been approved and that this sensitively designed dwelling can now be realised, adding to self-build stock within the borough and providing a beautiful family home in an area with demonstrable need for such housing.

About us

We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants.  If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project.  You can also submit your site via our Landmark Page. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.

IMAGE SOURCE: Of Architecture 2022

Design Team

Architect / Of Architecture
Planning Consultant / Plainview Planning Ltd
Structural Engineer / Geared Partnership
Civil Engineer / Geared Partnership
M&E Engineer / TBK Projects
Cost Consultant / Tim Hall Quantity Survey
Arboriculturalist / Tree Sense Arboricultural Consultants
Ecologist / Aven Ecology