
Regeneration of Leigh Industrial Estate, Maldon

Public ConsultationPlainview Planning invite the residents and business owners of Maldon and Heybridge to consider and comment on a proposed, employment-led, mixed-use scheme at Leigh Industrial Estate, The Causeway.

Currently none of the existing buildings are fit for a modern economy and require substantial investment to bring them up to standard. We believe that the regeneration of this site could deliver 2,000 sq m of new commercial floorspace which could create 190 on-site jobs.  The proposals also include scope for approximately 150 dwellings.

These proposals are at an early stage and to date have been informed by detailed input from transport, heritage, noise, ecology and flood risk experts. We are now inviting feedback from local residents and businesses so that we can incorporate your views into the initial design concepts for the site.

We think this is an excellent opportunity to secure:

  • modern employment space;
  • create jobs;
  • provide housing on a previously-developed site;
  • all within a central location and with good access to public transport.

For further information please go to:

This consultation closes at 1pm on Monday 23rd February 2015.
