Plainview Planning has recently submitted representations to the Mid Sussex District Council to promote the development of a 37,000 sq m Business and Logistics Park (Class B) within the heart of the Gatwick Diamond and adjacent to the A23.
Located directly adjacent to the A23 dual carriageway linking London and Brighton, this 7.3 hectare site represents the ideal solution to the recognised demand for warehousing space in the local and wider area, taking pressure of the south east’s widely designated landscape assets.
“The site represents 7.3 hectares of economic and employment growth. It is anticipated to generate 600 – 800 permanent jobs and 200 long term construction jobs. It is a very exciting opportunity”
Ian Woodward-Court, Director
If you have any property or land in Sussex that you would like to promote for development, please contact one of our consultants on 01403 330737. Alternatively please submit your site details to us using the web or email us at