We successfully turned a planning refusal into an approval – securing permission for the subdivision of a large garden plot and the creation of a 2x bed detached dwelling, with associated parking.
On the face of it, the project presented a number of key planning considerations which had to be navigated and mitigated, including: site designations such as the Green Belt and National Landscape (formerly known as AONB); its location within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone; and of course, the planning history on site which included a recent refusal for a similar scheme.
A second opinion can help when it comes to a planning refusal
This project presents a useful example of why a refused planning application doesn’t necessarily mean you have to draw a line when it comes to your development aspirations. In this instance, we were initially approached to review the reasons for refusal and to see if we could determine a potential planning strategy which might move the project forwards.
Following a detailed analysis of the application, the decision notice, associated policy considerations and precedence, we provided our client with clear and informed advice about how to address LPA concerns through the redesign of the proposal and inclusion of suggested Grampian conditions.
We were then tasked with pulling a revised application together and reviewing the redesign to ensure it responded to and overcame previous concerns raised in regard to the residential amenity of neighbours and future occupiers.
Our supporting planning statement set out a clear evidence base for how the revised application responded to the original refusal, resolved the previous concerns, and that despite the challenging context, clearly set out how the project was policy compliant and should be approved without delay. Our approach included:
- Analysis of 5YHLS;
- Analysis of local policy given that the local plan was out of date and consequently carried limited weight;
- A review of Green Belt policy and justification for why the proposal did not constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt;
- Analysis of the redesign and wider context, given the site’s setting within the National Landscape;
- Evidence of how concerns over residential amenity had been successfully addressed and resolved;
- Supporting statements in regard to Highways and Ecology.
We also, crucially, established a strong rapport with the planning officer and managed a collaborative working arrangement between the client/applicant, LPA, politicians and consultees.
Planning – it’s as much about winning over hearts and minds as it is about policy
This project presented a prime example of the crucial role planning consultants play in selling the concept of a development project; it isn’t just about making the policy case for a project, we also need to win over hearts and minds. Especially in projects where, whilst it is clear that the design and proposal is sound, things like an historic refusal on site can sway local opinion negatively. We communicated effectively with the case officer and statutory consultees and through our proactive engagement and clear and coherent planning message, successfully assuaged the concerns of a ward councillor who had initially called the revised application in for a Planning Committee decision, only to withdraw their request following our engagement.
We are delighted that the officer acknowledged the challenges of the site, but agreed that the proposed development did not constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt; would make a positive contribution to local housing supply; and that the redesign had successfully overcome all the previous reasons for refusal. They acknowledged the good design of the scheme, and in turn we are so delighted to have helped our client realise the full development potential of their large garden plot, bringing a much needed and quality new dwelling to the area.
About us
We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants. If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via enquiries@plainview.co.uk, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.