Plainview Planning, working in partnership with BHD Architects, have secured consent for a 40 flat scheme in Erith, Kent.
The existing building had been used as a social club since 1908 (a sui generis use). It closed in 2010 and had been vacant since.
Local policy sought to retain community uses (such as the social club) plus there were protected trees on the site. However, we put together a robust planning statement that focussed on the goal of the NPPF to “boost significantly the supply of housing”. We acknowledged the possible development constraints, but clearly set out the greater benefits development would bring, including:
- Re‐use of a redundant urban site
- Provision of affordable housing units
- Improved natural surveillance
- Improvement of built environment
- Efficient and sustainable use of a town centre site.
The London Borough of Bexley eventually agreed to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a s106 agreement.