Plainview Planning regularly secure planning permission for barn conversions and extensions. Previous projects include an appeal win at an historic barn in Sussex, and similar cases in Hampshire and the Cotswolds. Recently we have been working on a barn conversion on the banks of the River Wye (Forest of Dean Council). The barn is located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and is also close to an Ancient Monument and listed buildings.
The planning history show that a previous application and appeal have been unsuccessful. However, local and national planning policies have changed since the negative decision and also the Inspector left a glimmer of hope by dismissing the appeal due to a lack of evidence rather than an ‘in principle’ objection.
We are preparing a comprehensive agricultural assessment (to justify loss of farm and barns), transport review (to demonstrate that access is appropriate), and a planning statement (reviewing the appropriate policies contained in Local Policy and the National Planning Policy Framework – NPPF). In addition to this, we are working alongside our partner architects to provide a sensitive conversion scheme and visual impact assessment.
If successful, this scheme has ‘Grand Design’ written all over it. A wonderful site, and has the potential to be a fantastic family home.
If you are thinking about converting a barn or agricultural building feel free to contact the Plainview Planning team via to see how we can best assist you.