
Planning approved for new 9 unit development in Ealing

CGI of 9 new flats and a business space

Effective collaboration and communication were the mainstays of this project, which will see the demolition of a series of dilapidated, single storey Class E and B8 units, and the regeneration of an area which is in close proximity to the iconic Hoover Building.

We loved being a part of this scheme which will turn an underused and run down brownfield site into a new, sensitively designed, 4 storey development, comprising 9 flats; a business unit; associated amenity space; and will respond to an identified need for housing in the area.

Bringing forward a new development in a sensitive location

Given the sensitive nature of the site location, adjacent to a locally listed building and in close proximity to an Art Deco gem, we felt strongly that this project had to have design and heritage at its heart. This ensured appropriate assimilation of the proposal within its existing context and street scene whilst creating its own sense of place. Working with the team at Labmotif, we set about pulling together a robust project team to help guide and support the proposals.

Working effectively across the team and with the LPA, we presented a scheme which:

  • Was in a sustainable location and a key area for growth;
  • Was on a brownfield site which was not currently in efficient use;
  • Would present an opportunity to raise the design standard of the area in line with the iconic Hoover Building;
  • Was in close proximity to public transport services and within walking distance of key local services and facilities.

Furthermore, the proposals responded directly to housing need in the area and sought to optimise site capacity and provide incremental densification in a sustainable location.

A collaborative approach to development

In regards to design and heritage, seeking the demolition of a series of single storey Class E and B8 units and their replacement with a 4 storey residential and business development was a bold move given the sensitive nature of the site. There were further complications given that the adjacent building was locally listed and was seeking a conversion to residential development. But by working collaboratively across both sites, the result is a cohesive scheme which clearly references the Art Deco feel of the locale, presents an opportunity to regenerate a dilapidated site, and will bring new housing to a sustainable location.

It was a real pleasure to work with the project team and the LPA on this and we are excited to see the development come to fruition.

About us

We are Plainview Planning – a solutions orientated, experienced and knowledgeable team of planning consultants.  If you need professional and informed planning support with your development project, then contact our team via, to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project.  You can also submit your site via our Landmark Page. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.

IMAGE SOURCE: LabMotif (2021)