
Planning appeal win for 7 dwellings outside settlement boundary

Once again our team have secured a planning appeal win for the development of residential dwellings outside the settlement boundary.

Planning history:

The site fell just on the edge of the village of Ufford, in Suffolk. The proposed development sought to provide 7 single storey homes which would go some way to meeting housing need in the area; would widen the housing mix; and would respond directly to the local SHMA which had identified a need for bungalows.

Our planning consultants had been involved in the scheme from its inception, and had worked extensively with the planning officer to engage with, and respond to, any concerns raised during the consultation and planning application process.

The proposed development was in a demonstrably sustainable location and would help Suffolk Coastal District Council meet its five year housing land supply (5YHLS).

When the application was refused we had no hesitation in taking the case to appeal.

Making the case for appeal:

The appeal was made on the basis that:

  • The site location, whilst outside the settlement boundary, was on the edge of an existing village with adequate amenity access;
  • Thorough research demonstrated that the Council does not have a 5YHLS;
  • Regardless of the lack of a 5YHLS, our evidence base for the proposed development demonstrated that the scheme was sustainable and met the requirements of national policy;
  • Although the site is within a Special Landscape Area, heavy screening from existing mature planting and its setting and topography, meant the proposal would have no negative impact on the character and appearance of the area.


The appeal was allowed and the inspector identified that the proposal would make a considerable contribution to the social role of sustainability, a modest contribution to the economic role and would cause no harm in respect of the environmental role. As such, it was agreed that the scheme meets the underlying aims of the local core strategy and is fully compliant with national policy.

About us:

Plainview Planning is an independent town and country planning consultancy. Our team provide expert planning consultancy support on new build schemes.  From single self-build dwellings to housing developments, we bring a keen eye and fresh perspective to housing and development schemes.

If you would like to learn more, please contact us via or on 01242 501003.