Plainview Planning have successfully secured additional design amendments on a scheme for two new dwellings in Oxford, via the appeals process.
The original scheme:
We had been previously involved in the scheme after the original planning application was refused on the grounds that it would impact negatively on the local setting.
It was clear that the decision was unjustified and we set about preparing the case for appeal. We constructed a robust written representation, which identified that the District could not show a five year land housing supply and highlighted how the proposed houses would not appear incongruous to the street scene.
The Planning Inspector agreed with our line of argument and allowed the appeal (
The challenge:
Following the appeal, our client sought approval for design amendments to the extant permissions and we once more positively engaged with the Vale of White Horse planning department. After some worthwhile negotiation, the proposals were recommended for approval by the case officer, yet the local councillors chose to refuse the application.
The solution:
Once more our planning consultants took the case to appeal. We set out a detailed critique on the alleged impact the proposed changes would have on neighbouring amenity, and flagged the case officer’s report which recommended approval.
Despite wide ranging neighbour opposition, the appointed Planning Inspector allowed the appeal.
About us:
Plainview Planning are an independent town and country planning consultancy. If you feel your development scheme would benefit from professional planning consultant support, then contact our knowledgeable and approachable team via