Plainview Planning and the Buchanan Partnership have secured planning consent for a contemporary dwelling in Ashton-under-Hill.
The site had a multitude of constraints:
- Within grounds of a listed building (Grade II listed);
- Outside the settlement boundary;
- In a conservation area; and
- In an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
We managed to establish early on in the planning process that Wychavon District Council could not demonstrate a 5 year housing supply, and therefore the presumption in favour of sustainable development came into play. Given the proximity of the site to the village centre we argued that the site was inherently sustainable and that the principle of development was sound.
The remaining hurdles were then overcoming design issues. Buchanan Partnership put forward a contemporary take on the local vernacular architecture which, after some minor modifications, was supported by the planning case officer and conservation officer.
The scheme was recommended for approval, and supported by councillors at the Wychavon District Council Planning Committee.
If you require planning consultancy advice within Wychavon or the wider Worcestershire area then please do not hesitate to contact us –