
Permission granted for 105 dwellings in North Fambridge

Following extensive negotiation with Maldon District Council, two planning applications were approved at Planning Committee on Monday night. The two schemes will create 105 market and affordable dwellings and 1,000 sq m of commercial and community floorspace.

Both applications relate to land outside the defined settlement boundary, but we were able to demonstrate that the Council’s planning policies are out of date as they currently cannot demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply.  Consequently the combined schemes present a means of providing some alleviation to the housing need in the area.

We provided full planning consultancy, urban design and project management services on the project and were successful in demonstrating how both residential development schemes would meet the requirements of sustainable development as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework.  The proposed schemes will provide appropriate development that will significantly enhance the sustainability of the village and utilise its advantageous position on the local rail network.

About us:

The team at Plainview Planning are a knowledgeable and experienced group of planning consultants with a strong track record. If you have land you think may be suitable for development, contact our team to see how we can best assist you via: .