Plainview Planning, in partnership with Buchanan Partnership, have secured consent for a mixed-use scheme in Temple Cloud, Somerset.
We provided initial feasibility advice, prepared supporting planning documentation, ran public consultation events and ensured there was a regular and positive dialogue with the case officer.
Highway safety issues were satisfactorily resolved (thanks to input from Mayer Brown) and the scheme passed the ‘Three Tests’ set out in the Habitat Regulations. A Section 106 was also completed to allow for financial contributions towards highway works, education and allotments.
Bath and North East Somerset Council concluded that:
The proposed development is considered to be an acceptable mixed use scheme providing housing and employment on a brownfield site as well as bringing a public house back into use. The impact on the Listed building is considered to cause less than substantial harm and the setting is considered to be improved.
The scheme was unanimously supported by councillors at the committee meeting.