Plainview Planning have been reviewing the latest planning application data published by
Our analysis has shown that during January to March 2014 a total of 303 Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) determined 1,632 major residential planning applications, which can be defined as those consisting of 10 or more dwellings or relate to a site of 0.5 hectares or more.
84% of these applications were approved which is encouraging, and suggests that progress is being made at tackling housing supply issues.
We were also surprised to note that many of the LPAs listed do not have a post-NPPF Local Plan in place, and yet still resist major residential applications. The NPPF makes clear that development which is sustainable should go ahead, without delay. Further to this, it states that the planning system should play an active role in guiding development to sustainable solutions, working with the applicant rather than against them.
We appreciate that a number of these authorities are faced with understandable restrictions such as green belt or National Park designations. Others, such as Maldon District Council who currently can only show a 1.8 year housing supply, do not benefit from such excuses.