The Housing and Economic Land Call for Sites exercise, which is currently being undertaken by Horsham District Council, represents an important opportunity for landowners in the Horsham district.
Deadline for site submissions is Friday 20 May 2016.
What stage is Horsham at?
The Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) was adopted back in November 2015, and this strategic document will provide all planning and strategic policy for the district up to 2031.
However, it was noted by the Planning Inspector in charge of reviewing and evaluating Horsham’s Local Plan that the HDPF needed an increase in housing requirement to 800 dwellings per year.
An annual review:
As part of the government guidance, Horsham must undertake an annual review of their Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).
This review is currently underway and will be used to support the newly adopted HDPF and emerging Neighbourhood Development Plans.
As part of this process, everyone from landowners and developers to individuals are being asked to submit details of sites they wish to be included in the 2016 SHELAA. The proposed sites will then be considered for their potential to meet future housing or employment needs.
What sites are Horsham District Council looking for?
The assessment will consider sites capable of delivering six or more dwellings, or economic development on sites of 0.25ha (or 500m2) floorspace and above.
It is worth remembering that if you are successful then the land may become allocated for future development. This will make any future planning application far easier to obtain.
What are the minimum submission requirements?
So that the Council can assess the suitability, availability and achievability of a site, they request a minimum amount of information as part of the submission process.
This includes the completion of the SHELAA Site Submission Form and the provision of a site location plan and/or aerial photograph.
It is also important to note that the process now includes an assessment of economic land and you will need to specify which category your site falls under.
What are the recommended submission requirements?
Horsham will receive 1,000s of sites. To help your site stand out we generally recommend a more detailed supporting statement plus possibly indicative layouts.
What if I have already submitted my site in a previous round?
If you have already submitted your site as part of a previous “Call for Sites” exercise, then it will be automatically re-included. However it is always worth letting the council know that the site is still available, and perhaps including further information to try and pique the council’s interest.
If you submit your site after the deadline it will be kept on file for the summer 2017 review.
Next steps:
When promoting sites for potential inclusion as a site allocation, the key to success will be to demonstrate that the site constitutes sustainable development and supports the development needs of an area.
Plainview Planning add value by:
- assessing the credentials of your site in line with local policy and established national policy;
- coordinating your promotion efforts to make sure that the Council is provided with persuasive documentation about your site;
- we ensure that the right groups are lobbied at the right time to maximise chances of inclusion;
- we monitor the status of Local Development Frameworks throughout the country and are well placed to guide you through the administrative and political process.
If you would like to learn more about this SHELAA process and how we can help please feel free to contact our team via