
Granny annexe appeal success

We act on behalf of several granny annexe companies and have submitted many planning applications for such accommodation.


By and large most local planning authorities accept that granny annexe accommodation is ancillary to the main host dwelling and assess these applications as extensions to the living accommodation. After all, this principle has been established through planning case law and precedent.

Every now and again a local planning authority decides to ignore the established planning position in respect to granny annexe accommodation and treat such applications as standalone dwellings. The Royal Borough of Greenwich did just this for one of our recent applications.

Through a lack of due process to understand the application before them, the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s actions resulted in an unnecessary planning appeal that wasted a lot of time to achieve a positive decision. Needless to say the planning appeal was successful and costs were awarded against them.

If you are planning a granny annexe and seek planning advice, please contact us at