
Epping Forest District Council Local Plan – potential for green belt release?

Epping Forest District Council are scheduled to publish their Draft Local Plan – Preferred Approach during summer 2016. The purpose of this document is to set out the Council’s policies and plans to enable the district to accommodate its development needs for the next 20 years.

What does this mean for landowners?

The Council is yet to release its evidence base that will underpin its forthcoming strategy. However we are aware from the Green Belt Review undertaken in 2015 that a number of broad areas around the main towns and villages such as Harlow, Epping, Ongar and Loughton are being considered for potential release from their Green Belt designation.

This is a critical stage in the local plan process, and an important time for landowners to make their sites known to the Council. There will be opportunities to do this during the forthcoming consultation.

How can Plainview Planning help?

We specialise in promoting land into local plans.

We add value by:

  • coordinating your promotion efforts to make sure that the Council is provided with persuasive documentation about your site;
  • we ensure that the right groups are lobbied at the right time to maximise chances of inclusion;
  • we can provide professional expertise and funding to effectively promote your land and our services can be provided on a joint-venture basis.

If you have land you feel may be suitable for development and would like to explore how best to move forward in achieving planning permissions on site, then contact Andrew from our land promotion team on: 01245 201226 or via