
Development at Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park

Plainview Planning was instructed to rectify a serious breach of planning control at a Grade I listed property. A modern extension was constructed without the discharge of pre-commencement conditions. This left our client in a very vulnerable position – unauthorised works to a listed building is a crime.

Hanover Terrace is also often considered Nash’s most scholarly architectural work in Regent’s Park. It comprises a stucco facade, with an arcaded rusticated loggia at ground floor level, above which are three porticos.

We successfully argued that the built fabric affected by the addition of the glazed conservatory was not the fabric which held the principal interest of the heritage asset. In addition, the extension was appropriately subservient to the architecture of the rear facade when experienced from the private garden to the rear of the building and cannot be seen from the public realm.

Eventually, the City of Westminster agreed with our conclusion that the  glazed extension had little effect on the setting of the heritage asset. Retrospective planning permission was granted.