Do you have a plot of land that you think might be suitable for residential or employment development? If your site is within the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council area, then you may be interested to know that they have just announced a Call for Sites. The deadline for submissions is the 3rd July 2019.
About the Basingstoke and Deane Call for Sites
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) adopted their Local Plan in 2016. In line with national policy requirements to maintain a five-year housing land supply, the Council have committed to regular updates of their Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). As part of evidence gathering to inform the annual update to the SHELAA, they are undertaking a ‘call for sites.’
This consultation provides an opportunity for developers, landowners and other interested parties to submit sites that could be suitable for residential, employment of other types of development, to the Council for consideration.
The information will be used to update the SHELAA and the Brownfield Land Register (BLR) for previously developed land suitable for residential development.
Whilst submission of a site through the Call for Sites process does not guarantee designation, it could be the first step towards realising the development potential of your site and could significantly increase its value.
What type of development is being sought in Basingstoke and Deane
The Call for Sites sets several parameters for submission, including:
- Sites capable of accommodating at least five residential units including self-build, custom build, and care accommodation;
- Employment development including sites for industrial, storage and distribution uses. The land area should be at least 0.25 hectares or able to accommodate over 500 square metres of floorspace.
- Other uses such as retail, community uses, open space or health.
How we can help you submit your development site for consideration
If you are seeking to submit a site for future development, then you will need to complete site submission form and provide a map showing the precise site boundary. The sorts of information you will need to provide include: a relevant planning history, site details and evidence to support its suitability, availability and deliverability.
Making the necessary justifications can be a challenge, however we regularly promote land as potential strategic development sites on behalf of landowners and developers and offer a variety of services and packages. We can provide consultancy services, but also a fully funded solution via our sister company, Context.
An example of how we add value to these types of project can be seen above. You can see that our mapping team have already identified areas within Basingstoke and Deane that are constrained (coloured orange on the above image). If you own a site outside of these restricted areas, then there is every chance of a successful allocation.
Further ways in which we add value include:
- we can help you to understand if your site meets the necessary requirements;
- using bespoke GIS mapping systems to undertake site specific analysis which will help to highlight the opportunities and constraints of your site or potential sites;
- assessing the credentials of your site in line with local policy and established national policy;
- coordinating your promotion efforts to make sure that the Council is provided with persuasive documentation about your site.
If you feel that you may have land suitable for housing or employment development in Basingstoke and Deane and would like expert advice on the best way to promote your site through the Call for Sites consultation, please contact us at or call us on 01242 501003 to see how we can best assist you, providing the site address and a brief overview of your project. You can also submit your site via our Landmark Page. We value your privacy and any information which you provide will not be shared outside of our company and will only be used in relation to your enquiry.
Read more about the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Call for Sites consultation here.
IMAGE SOURCE: Plainview Planning (May 2019)