Before we get into the detail, there is one important point we want to make. Whilst prior approval and permitted development rights can provide freedom and fast planning decisions, they can also be restrictive and complicated. However, if you can … Continued

We regularly represent clients facing enforcement action. We appreciate that the initial contact from planning enforcement can be quite a nerve-wracking experience, and this article seeks to set out the aims of this type of planning control, some of the … Continued

Stroud is an interesting district to work in and we have been providing planning consultancy services on residential, commercial and householder development projects in the area for over 15 years. Undoubtedly a beautiful location, in planning terms it has unique … Continued

Successful Class Q conversion of an agricultural barn to a 4 bed family home with spacious living areas and stunning views. This particular project was decided under Class Q (a) of the Town Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order … Continued

Planning permission secured for a change of use from office (Class E) to residential dwelling following a detailed analysis of the LPAs validation requirements and their five year housing land supply position. The planning context Our client had secured planning … Continued
Making your home more energy efficient – retrofit and extension success in Bristol Conservation Area

It was great to collaborate again with the inspirational team at Barefoot Architects, this time on a project which sought to demolish a defunct conservatory, replace with a rear and side extension and retrofit the existing building. The site was … Continued

Our recent application for Class MA prior approval sought the change of use from Class E (offices) to Class C3 residential, on the 2nd and 3rd floors of a building in Harlow’s town centre. We are so pleased with the … Continued

So glad we could help our client amalgamate a studio and 1 bed flat into a larger single unit of accommodation, creating a beautiful 2 bed apartment with much improved living space. A challenging project as not only did we … Continued

A great scheme which will bring new housing to a sustainable location, regenerate a dilapidated site and encourage new commercial enterprises to the area. We are delighted to have secured planning consent for the conversion, extension and alteration of a … Continued

It was great working with the team at Urban and Rural again, this time on a scheme for 28 dwellings outside the settlement boundary in Dover. It has certainly been a long tail scheme, with our involvement in it spanning … Continued