
Appeal win for development outside of the settlement boundary

Plainview Planning are thrilled at the recent appeal win for a residential development beyond the settlement boundary of Charing, Kent.


Ashford Borough Council had refused the residential scheme as the site was located beyond the settlement boundary of the village and they argued against a need for more housing in the area. They stood firm on their housing supply evidence,  and claimed a 5 year supply. Additional reasons for refusal included alleged harm to the countryside and a detrimental impact upon local ecology.


Plainview Planning reviewed the decision notice and considered that there was a case for a planning appeal.  Plainview’s analysis of the housing supply evidence suggested a 2.3 years supply.  The Planning Inspector agreed with the analysis and concluded that Ashford Borough Council’s housing policies were out of date.

The Planning Inspector also agreed that whilst the site was designated as countryside, it could not be considered isolated as it adjoins the settlement boundary of Charing and is well connected to key services and facilities. It was also acknowledged that the ecology issues could be dealt with by way of a planning condition.


The Planning Inspector concluded that the proposal represents sustainable development in terms of the National Planning Policy Framework  (NPPF) and that there are no adverse impacts that could not either be dealt with by condition or that would outweigh the benefits of the proposal in terms of housing provision.

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