
A new team member joins Plainview Planning’s Cheltenham office

cm11We are delighted to announce that Chris Moore has joined the growing team at Plainview Planning Cheltenham.

Chris is currently studying for his masters in Spatial Planning (MRTPI) at Oxford Brookes University and his dissertation centres on the impact of using mobile apps to encourage engagement in public consultations.

He has an extensive knowledge of the local area around Cheltenham, having studied for his BSc in Geography and History at the University of Gloucestershire. He also has previous experience of working for Oxfordshire County Council as an Assistant Transport Planner.

Chris will be focussing on regeneration and redevelopment and has experience in public consultation and engagement on planning schemes.

It is an exciting time for Chris to be joining our planning consultancy as we are engaged on a wide range of interesting and challenging schemes including:

We are also continuing to recruit and currently have a vacancy for a planning consultant in our Chelmsford office.  This is a brilliant opportunity for a planner with an entrepreneurial streak, to help continue to establish and expand our recently opened Essex office. You can read more about it here
