Student housing continues to be a growth market, with existing accommodation needing to be modernised and universities needing to improve and expand upon their student offer.
Our knowledgeable team understand the delicate balance required in making a case for this type of development. Whilst students bring a host of positive benefits and can help to conserve the vitality of an area, it is essential to maintain and secure positive links with local residents during every stage of the planning application process and beyond.
Whether you are an independent developer or a University seeking to improve and expand on your student accommodation offer, our team are experienced at presenting the best planning case for development and providing the requisite evidence and reports; from design reviews through to management plans and housing need assessments.Project examples include: 791-bed student village for University of Gloucestershire; and public consultation with Uliving student housing provider.   MORE
Converting your existing property into student residential units or an HMO can make effective use of a defunct site or an underused house. However, these sorts of developments will require varying planning permissions depending on the changes taking place and the level of independent accommodation being created.
Project examples include: Converting an office to residential flats in Cheltenham; securing the large scale conversion of a dwelling into 10 flats in Harrow.   MORE
Our team bring their knowledge, experience and a holistic approach to these types of specialist planning schemes. Contact us to see how we can best assist you in your student housing aims.