Planning is about weighing up the pros and cons of development. Our strategic approach helps to tip that balance in your favour.

Plainview Planning Ltd

Plainview Planning provides full planning services - from initial development appraisal and strategy advice, all the way to discharging planning conditions after securing planning permission.

We work on a wide range of development projects in urban and rural locations, all at different stages of the planning process. We are flexible enough to work to your terms: from an ad-hoc advisory role, to full planning application co-ordination.

Our clients range widely - from private individuals and start-ups, to developers, corporations and investment groups. Because of this, our extensive planning experience is broad in scope. Our range of current and past projects, and in-house multidisciplinary expertise, provides us with the knowledge and resources for any development situation.

Founded in 2006, and incorporated in 2008, we have grown year on year. This is testament to our positive approach, friendly team and the quality of the services we provide. And, more than that, we are excited to share that in May 2024, we joined forces with McLoughlin Planning. This significant merger unites 13 planning professionals and 3 support staff from both companies, enhancing our capabilities in providing ingenious, commercially-minded solutions to town planning challenges. You can read more about this exciting new chapter for us here.

Our team work across England, and between us, we have worked with over 60% of all Local Planning Authorities. We are passionate about planning and seek to provide our clients with clear, comprehensive and effective planning support. Read about some of our favourite projects here: Case studies

We look forward to helping you.