Owning a listed building is a great privilege, but owning a piece of living history also comes with great responsibility. If you wish to extend or alter your listed building in any way you will need to apply for listed building consent.
It is also worth remembering that any buildings which fall within the curtilage or grounds of a listed building are likely to be subject to the same conditions. It is vital to check with the council as it is a criminal offence to carry out work which needs listed building consent without obtaining it beforehand.
We have strong experience of working on listed projects and have a wide network of contacts within the field.
- Latest News
- Retrospective application to secure changes to a listed building in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
- Negotiating our way to planning success – converting a milking parlour into a 2-bed cottage
- The draft revised NPPF – the importance of small sites
- Planning success for a change of use and alterations to a Grade II* listed building in central Cheltenham