Case Study : Contemporary New Dwelling
Our client wanted to build a contemporary single dwelling within the residential curtilage of a Grade II Listed farmstead.
Homeowner; Appraisal and Strategy; Planning Application; Listed Building; Specialist Reports; West Midlands.
Wychavon District Council
The site presented a number of key constraints in addition to its close proximity to a Grade II Listed building. These included:
- its location outside of the settlement boundary;
- in a conservation area; and
- in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The site required a thorough planning approach and careful negotiation. We identified that Wychavon District Council could not demonstrate a 5 year land housing supply and that the proposed scheme, given its proximity to the village centre, was an inherently sustainable development. In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2012), we justified how and why the principle of development was sound.
The remaining hurdles were overcoming design issues. We worked closely with the architects at Buchanan Partnership who proposed a contemporary take on the local vernacular architecture which, after proactive engagement and discussions, was supported by the planning case officer and conservation officer.The scheme was recommended for approval and supported by councillors at the Wychavon District Council Planning Committee.

- Retrospective application to secure changes to a listed building in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
- Negotiating our way to planning success – converting a milking parlour into a 2-bed cottage
- The draft revised NPPF – the importance of small sites
- Planning success for a change of use and alterations to a Grade II* listed building in central Cheltenham